Homepage of Prof. Wu, Ibaraki University.




Publications and Patents





1. Wu, Z. S., Yuan, H., Yoshizawa, H. and Kanakubo, T. : Experimental/Analytical Study on Interface Fracture Energy and Fracture Propagation along FRP-Concrete Interface, ACI International SP, Fracture Mechanics and its Applications (2001.4)

2. Yin,J., Wu, Z. S. and Asakura, T. : FE Analysis on Cohesive Debonding and Cracking Behavior of FRP-Strengthened Concrete Beams by Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics,ACI International SP, Fracture Mechanics and its Applications (2001.4)

3. Recommendations for Upgrading of Concrete Structures with Use of Continuous Fiber Sheets, Concrete Library 101, JSCE, ISBN 4-8106-0260-5, March, 2000. (contribution)





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